Dear patrons and musicians,
The continuing COVID-19 crisis has resulted in the cancelation of many concert hall performances worldwide. While I look forward to a time when rehearsals and concerts can resume as usual, we must proceed with caution with regard to the health of our musicians and our audience. Following the guidelines set forth by Fort Hays State University and the Department of Music and Theatre, large ensembles, including the Hays Symphony, will not be rehearsing this fall. Should the opportunity arise for ensembles to meet in a reconfigured and reduced format, a strings-only orchestra will begin rehearsing within carefully planned parameters. All live concerts at FHSU have been canceled for this fall. However, if I am given the go ahead to rehearse with a reduced orchestra, we will prepare music for a videotaped “concert” to be uploaded to YouTube or other online video sharing websites. Any future updates as well as links to videotaped performances will be posted on www.hayssymphony.org.
I thank you for your patience and continued support of the Hays Symphony as we work through this challenging time.
Brian Buckstead
Music Director of the Hays Symphony